7 Ways to Pray for Europe in 2025

February 3, 2025

7 Ways to Pray for Europe in 2025


February 10, 2025


Various locations in Europe and North America, virtually and in person.

Every February and October, global workers within Greater Europe Mission gather together virtually and in person to pray as one for the people of Europe. Our guiding passage has always been Luke 10:2:

“He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'” (NIV)

Since 2008, GEM missionaries and ministry partners have set alarms for 10:02 every day. In fact, it’s not uncommon to hear these alarms ring out during meetings or conferences where GEM workers are gathered. Why? We’re committed to asking God for “more workers for the harvest.” We eagerly anticipate those God is calling!  

On February 10 (or 10/2 in the European calendar), we will gather again. As those who are consecrated and called to contend for God’s kingdom to come in Europe as it is in heaven, our petition for 2025 is for God to repeat His deeds “in our time” (Habakkuk 3:1-2). We see movements of God throughout our entire history, and we believe this time—our time—in Europe is no different. He is already doing extraordinary things among us, and we long to see more.

Will you join us? We are…

  1. Praying for a New Generation of Martin Luther-like Reformers
  2. Praying for a Moravian Movement of Prayer and Consecration 
  3. Praying for a New Generation of John Wesley-like Revivalists 
  4. Praying for a New Generation of Dietrich Bonhoeffer-like Prophetic Voices 
  5. Praying for a New Generation of William Wilberforce-like Social Reformers
  6. Praying for Another Wave of Renewal and Revival 
  7. Praying for the Promises of God to Be Fulfilled in Our Time 

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