Help make disciples on a continent where fewer than 3% of the population claim a relationship with Jesus.

Could you be called to serve on mission in Europe?


Serve in Europe from 10 days up to one year alongside GEM workers.


Join our two-year LAUNCH program to gain immersive, hands-on missions experience.


Grow your ministry career by serving three or more years with GEM.

Why go with GEM?

Greater Europe Mission is a community of disciple-makers that longs to see Europe transformed by Jesus. On a continent now considered post-Christian, the people of GEM strive to be a light through transformative disciple-making relationships. We help equip you to use your unique skills, gifts, talents, and experience to share the love and good news of Christ with Europeans who might otherwise never meet a follower of Jesus.

Play Video

"When I walk the streets of Belfast, I have hope."

Watch the story of an IRA member from Belfast, Northern Ireland, who ends up in a French prison and meets Leroy, a GEM worker who introduces him to the life-changing hope of Jesus.

Ready to make a difference? Connect with our team to learn more and get started on your journey!


Spend a summer living out the gospel across Europe. Created for young adults with a passion for global missions, spend ten weeks in Europe investing in relationships, embracing the culture, and serving Christ’s church.

Spend two years in our LAUNCH program where you will gain hands-on experience and be discipled into a lifelong pursuit of making more disciples for the transformation of Europe.

Discover Europe. Discover your calling.
Join us for Discovery Day.

Learn about God's heart for missions, the overlooked mission field of Europe, and how GEM equips and walks alongside those God is sending into His harvest.