Europe is
Most countries in Europe have a population where fewer than 3% claim a relationship with Jesus. Many Europeans can go their entire lives never interacting with a follower of Jesus.
Europe is the intersection of world cultures. As the ongoing refugee crisis continues to bring the nations to Europe's shores, it is more critical for world revival than ever before.
The economic, political, and immigration turmoil of the last decade have laid the foundation for Europeans to find hope in Jesus. Learn more...
Jesus followers by country
The good news has been present in Europe for over 2,000 years. In Acts 16, you’ll read about the first church ever planted on the European continent. Philippi in Macedonia was started by the Apostle Paul around AD 50 (Acts 16:6-15).
So, why Europe, when other nations still need to hear the message of Jesus? Answer: because Europe is unreached today. A once “reached” Europe has become “unreached” over time. What Europe once knew regarding Jesus and the gospel has, over time, been forgotten.
The need for the gospel in Europe has never been greater than it is now. Europe is a post-Christian continent where some churches sit empty and others preach a social "gospel" with no mention of the life-changing power of Jesus Christ.
Not only do most Europeans go without ever hearing the good news of Jesus, most will never even meet one of His followers. According to the Joshua Project, post-Christian Europe is home to the fewest Christ followers and is the most unreached continent on the planet.
At only 2.9% of the population following Jesus, Europe is now a post-Christian continent. Secularism and individualism is now the reigning “religion”. The idea of God is laughable among most Europeans.
Although the second smallest continent on the planet, Europe’s influence and impact in the world is critically important. Europe is considered the birthplace of Western Civilization and continues to export unmatched cultural wealth to the rest of the world.
Having influenced the globe in the arts, architecture, philosophy, and religion, Europe’s contribution and impact to the rest of the world is crucial.
As Europe goes, so goes the world.
With nearly 2,000 recognized people groups in Europe, the world at large seems to call Europe “home.” Ongoing migration trends continue to bring more and more people from all over the globe into and throughout the continent of Europe. By mid-2021, there were over 26.6 million refugees and 48 million internally displaced persons due to conflict.
This means discipleship in Europe has reached a critical point, especially as we continue to see migrants and refugees relocating to European countries, many of whom have never heard the name of Jesus and come from lands that Christians have little to no access to.
This solidifies Europe as the epicenter of the crossroads of the world. The global influence from Europe is unmatched. Former French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy once stated, “Europe is not a choice, it is a necessity, but it needs to be rethought, refounded.”
A gospel revival across Europe is critical since “all the roads that lead to Rome” also lead to the ends of the earth. For the Great Commission to be completed, Europe must be understood by all followers of Jesus.
The European continent has been vital and decisive throughout history, and more importantly, Europe continues to be so in the present and future of the world.
Over this past decade, Europe has continued to face one crisis after another. The Syrian refugee crisis in 2015, a global pandemic, and a war that continues to rage on in Ukraine, threatening to spill over across EU borders. European economies are in turmoil and diplomacy among nations is suffering.
Uncertainty among Europeans is reaching a peak not seen since the Second World War.
While many in their 30’s and younger hold a skeptical and critical eye to organized religion, there is an equal and growing eagerness for authenticity among relationships and how to live lives of consequence that make a difference.
Europe is ready for a new and fresh expression of authentic faith found in following Jesus. Most Europeans consider church to be a place for tourists and the elderly, but they are responding to kingdom conversations that result in Christ-centered discipleship.
While Islam continues to spread across Europe, so do the stories of Muslims being awakened in their souls to faith in Jesus through dreams and visions. The migration and influx of new people from different parts of the world bring both the problems of the world and opportunities to introduce the world to Jesus.
Europeans and recent arrivals alike are ready for followers of Jesus who live authentic lives of faith and are willing to befriend Europeans and share life with them.
Europe is ready for the kind of gospel relationships the Apostle Paul wrote about in 1 Thessalonians 2:8–
“So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us.”