Medium And Long Term Are you ready for a big life change? Serve in Europe for 1 year or more. Church Planting in Italy Italy | Art, Church Planting, Discipleship GO University Evangelism and Discipleship Italy | Discipleship, Youth and Campus Ministry GO Evangelist and Discipler in Sweden Scandinavia | Discipleship, Youth and Campus Ministry GO Church Planter in the Netherlands Netherlands | Church Planting, Discipleship, Evangelism GO Church Planting Wales | Church Planting, Discipleship, Logistics GO Arts, Sports, and Media Ministry Wales | Art, Community Development, Discipleship GO CityReach Team Member Central Europe | Church Planting, Community Development, Discipleship GO Camp des Cimes Administrative Secretary France | Administration, Logistics, Media & Communications GO TESL Coordinator & Evangelist Italy | Discipleship GO Youth Leadership Mentor & Discipler Eastern Europe | Art, Church Planting, Community Development GO Evangelism Campaign Coordinator in the Netherlands Netherlands | Church Planting, Discipleship, Logistics GO Short-Term Project Coordinator Wales | Church Planting, Discipleship, Logistics GO 1 2 3 4 Next »