The Overlooked Field: The 40/70 Window

September 25, 2024

The Overlooked Field: The 40/70 Window

Walking down the city streets of Budapest, London, or Rome, you’ll likely notice a cultural diversity among the urban landscapes. Europe is a kaleidoscope of cultures and its inhabitants now unmistakenly diverse. From a missional perspective, seeing the nations of the world becoming increasingly accessible—many of which coming right to our doorsteps—is inspiring.  

Traditionally, the focus of many missionary sending organizations has been (and still is) the 10/40 window—a rectangular, geographical area spanning from north Africa to Asia, 10°N to 40°N latitude—with the intent of reaching the world’s most unreached populations. Yet, with ongoing refugee and increased immigrant movements, the unreached are now in reach as they settle in other parts of the world. 

Greater Europe Mission is well suited to take on the unique opportunity of reaching those who have left their 10/40 window homes for a new start in Europe.    

The 40/70 Window

Reaching Beyond the 10/40 Window 

The 40/70 window rests directly north of the 10/40 window. In recent decades, as people have fled conflict zones within the 10/40 window, Europe’s geographic nearness within the 40/70 window required it led the way in welcoming more refugees than any other continent. 

By 2023, Europe hosted more than one-third of the world’s refugees; partner this number with other global migrant populations and this equates to millions of new residents within Europe’s borders.  

As refugees vulnerably relocate and build new lives within European countries—carrying with them their religious beliefs, strongholds, and traditions—believers see a greater need for prayer and additional workers to Europe.  

“While we have long heard to pray for the 10/40 Window, we seldom hear to pray for the 40/70 Window, an area that includes Europe and has the potential to trigger sweeping missions movements,” writes Jenni Autrey, editor of Message, an Association of Baptists for World Evangelism publication.

New residents aren’t the only reason to widen the Church’s focus area for missions. 

The Overlooked Field: The 40/70 Window

“The 40/70 Window is the largest region outside the Arab Muslim block where missions work progresses most slowly. For example, proportionally fewer Christians live in Poland and Spain than in Nepal and Japan.”

-ABWE International

Reclaiming Christ for Europe 

While new populations from other countries continue to make Europe their home, many Europeans have stepped away from the church and their faith, making way for the influences of the world to replace what only God can fill. 

Despite Europe’s deep roots in Christianity, many now consider the continent to be “post-Christian”. Skepticism and secularism are ingrained in European society. Though many of its citizens—especially older generations—still claim Christianity as their religion, it is more of a cultural practice than a state of the heart. In fact, fewer than 3% of Europeans have a relationship with Jesus.

Balancing unique challenges with unprecedented opportunity, GEM sees great potential to draw all peoples in Europe back into meaningful relationships with Jesus. For example, many European nations still observe—and even honor—the Christian calendar, and the religious celebrations of immigrants capture the imaginations of the curious. Imagine the potential impact when global workers are culturally trained and strategically placed to share the redemptive power of a living God to those who are already hoping for one.

There is much to be done in the 40/70 window. Do you feel compelled to be a part of this work?

About the author: Leanne Monge Barrera serves in the GEM Canada office as a Storyteller and social media content creator. Additional reporting by Karen Huber.