From Uncertainty to Belief: Jan’s Story

Jan seemed to enjoy the weekly dinners around Jay and Nancy Matsingers’ table as they led a small gathering through an Alpha Course. Together with the others in the group, the blond-haired young professional expressed curiosity about the gospel and the Bible’s teachings. He was a quiet sort, but that didn’t keep him from participating…

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Youth Ministry to Ukrainian Refugees in Prague 

Olena Nineteen-year-old Olena’s mother took it upon herself to call the leaders of the Thursday night youth group. Ever since she and her daughter fled Ukraine after the conflict began in 2022, they had lived in Prague but still had neither friends nor a strong social network to support them. When Olena’s mother heard about…

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Summer Camp Brings Hope to Ukrainian Refugees

The reality of war and its implications for those affected have been well documented over the past months since the Russian attack on Ukraine. Most of us feel a sense of helplessness when conflict breaks out on a large scale and yet the lives of average people like us are most affected.   Yet for…

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How to Share the Gospel While in Lockdown

How can I know Jesus is the Son of God? How can I trust the Bible? It is questions like these that 30-year-old Cynthia, and many others, found themselves asking GEM global workers in France as they gathered together virtually. Long-time global workers Jay and Nancy Matsinger have found that the simplicity of reading Scripture…

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