Creating Disciples as a Family

“What is your area of ministry?”  Ask this of a church planter, an evangelist, or a seminary professor.   But also ask this of a mom, a freelancer, or a child.  Many parents could answer that their area of ministry is the home. Raising and discipling children, getting to know neighbors, feeding their kids’ friends snacks…

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Summer Camp Brings Hope to Ukrainian Refugees

The reality of war and its implications for those affected have been well documented over the past months since the Russian attack on Ukraine. Most of us feel a sense of helplessness when conflict breaks out on a large scale and yet the lives of average people like us are most affected.   Yet for…

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Praying with My Muslim Friend

After sitting on the long beige couch for an hour, it was almost time to leave Amira’s house. My two-year-old had begun walking along the back of the couch, jumping off the arm, and asking for a fifth pack of the little biscuits I had been using to distract him. He was getting restless and…

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Foster Care in Europe

Plucked from a house of drugs and neglect and placed in the custody of strangers, Yuri was removed from his mother’s care when she was deemed unable to raise her child. Projecting her own issues, his mother described him as a child with classic autism, who wouldn’t bathe, cut his hair or nails, or attend school. Not knowing what to…

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Missions as a Young Family

Life circumstances can talk us out of anything, even the beckoning voice of God. People may feel drawn to global missions, but put off obedience to God’s calling indefinitely as they wait for the perfect timing. “After we get married” or “maybe when our kids are older” are common refrains that hold us back from…

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