Rediscover Europe

May 19-23, 2025 | United Kingdom

Experience first-hand how Jesus is building His Church in Europe.

Join us for a church planting summit in Birmingham and the Tees Valley in the Northeast of England.

I'm so excited to invite you to Europe with us—a continent dear to my heart and calling. I spent nine years in England, have traveled all around Europe in my ministry career, and there is no other place on earth that needs the gospel more. Europe is home to over 750 million people, and fewer than 3% claim a relationship with Jesus.

Join us for Rediscover Europe, a unique opportunity for pastors and church ministry staff to experience firsthand how God is moving across this unreached continent. This year, we're hosting a church planting summit in Birmingham and the northeast of England that will fuel your passion to see the gospel proclaimed and the Church expand in your community and across the world.

I hope you'll join us!

Mike Taylor
VP of Mobilization

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May 19-23, 2025

Birmingham & the Tees Valley
Northeast England


Sunday, May 18
Depart from the US

Monday, May 19

Arrive in the UK

Monday, Wednesday, May 19-21

Strategy and site visits in Birmingham

Wednesday afternoon, May 21

Travel to the Tees Valley

Wednesday and Thursday, May 21-22
Strategy and site visits in the Tees Valley

Friday, May 23

Travel to London or gateway UK city

*You may choose to arrive in the UK early or depart for your return to the US later, depending on your travel preferences. The GEM team can assist with logistics to Birmingham for the start of Rediscover Europe on Monday, May 19. 




Includes all housing, meals & transportation within Europe

Cost does not include travel to the United Kingdom


Interesting in learning more? Join us online for an interest meeting to get more information.

Tuesday, Feb. 11 at 10 a.m. Central


Thursday, Feb. 20 at 9 a.m. Central

Email [email protected] to register for one of the two online interest meetings.