Hope and Charity – Moldova
Moldova | 56762
Our Journey
After getting married in 2009, Vladislav joined Alina in her passion since 2003 to help orphaned and abandoned children in Moldova. In 2011, they created the non-profit Speranță și Caritate (Hope and Charity) to provide hope and a future to numerous children and teenagers and to show them the love of Christ through discipleship, trainings, providing for their basic needs, and, most importantly, loving affection.
Our Vision
Having witnessed first-hand the stigma and humiliation of orphan children, our desire has been to give these orphans the best gifts ever: faith in our Lord and Savior and trust that He cares for them. We believe in investing in children and teenagers, speaking to their hearts so that they can, at some point, become the generation which will bring Moldova to Christ. We also believe in making disciples with love and showing that there is a second chance for everyone who wants to accept it.