Ben & Cathrine Dyke
Sweden | 56732
Our Story
Cathrine and I met in the UK whilst Cathrine was working at a Christian B&B in North Wales. Cathrine is Swedish grew up in a small town called Torsby. She became a Christian as a 26 year old in Australia during a round-the-world backpacking trip. I (Ben) grew up in a Christian family in the UK and always had a desire to learn a language and go overseas! We met a couple of years after I (Ben) had lost my first wife Hannah to cancer, when our children Joshua and Charis were just 5 and 2 years old respectively. We have since had Isak in 2015 and in 2020 we moved to Cathrine's hometown Torsby to serve in the local church.
Where We Work
Torsby is a small town of 5,000 people in a sparsely populated region of Sweden called North Värmland. It shares a western border with Norway and is 2.5 hours east of Oslo, around 4.5 hours west of Stockholm. The main town in the region called Karlstad sits at the northern end of Sweden's biggest lake Vänern, around 1.25 hours south of Torsby. We help lead the small pentecostal church in the town.