
Jessie Woodring

Kosovo | 48765

My Story

After growing up and attending college in Acton, Massachusetts, I studied Higher Education and Student Development at Taylor University (Upland, IN) and landed in Residence Life as a Residence Hall Director. During my time as a Hall Director, I was able to lead several short term trips with college students and my heart has never been the same! God's call on my heart has been slow and steady over the last few years, but with some answered prayers and kept promises, I am now following Him to full-time work in Kosovo. My heart is made for discipleship, worship, leadership development, and community. I am humbled to be part of God's plan for Europe and would love if you could join me!

Where I Work

Kosovo is located in the Balkans and is about the size of the state of Rhode Island! Despite its size, Kosovo offers generous hospitality, remarkable resilience, and a hunger for hope. Being a primarily Muslim country, Kosovo is a unique corner of Europe and has so much to offer. I'll be joining the GEM Kosovo team and partnering with some existing ministries for youth and children.