
David Walker

United Kingdom | 45363

My Story

I was born and raised in Houston, TX. After High school I went to the University of Arkansas, it was in the spring of my freshman year that I came to know the Christ Jesus, after a fatal accident involving a friend from high school, a week before spring break. It was during that week that I spoke to a friend every day because I didn't know what else to do, I don't remember anything but going to see him that week in his dorm room and talking. I have no idea what about, but it was helpful. At the funeral, I came to realize my need for a savior and that I can do nothing to save myself. It was if someone removed my blindfold. That afternoon in my room is where I accepted God's grace for me and where I became a follower of Christ.

After that day, I spent a lot of time learning and trying to serve God any way I could. I became involved with a student ministry called StuMo for the next 3 years. It was while involved in StuMo I learned about discipleship and missions. I spent two summers at their summer project, which is where I first heard of the Downline. During my senior year I was trying to figure out my next moves, and had narrowed it down between going to the UK for 1 year as missionary and Downline in Memphis. I eventually chose Downline and after college I moved to Memphis to participate in their Emerging Leaders program. There I learned more about discipleship, the faith, and how to love the city you live in. Then during my time in Memphis I felt the call to Seminary, and I eventually chose to attend Dallas Theological Seminary in my hometown of Houston. After graduating from DTS I started working for a ministry in Houston and I began to coach CrossFit as well. I am now a Level 2 CrossFit Coach, and have spent time working with people on their health and physical goals as well as their spiritual health and goals.

While coaching and working in ministry I began to feel the Lord tugging on my heart for the nations specifically Europe. There was something about it that felt like the next move. I connected again with some people I knew and eventually GEM. After the regular process, I was appointed to the UK field as you can see. I am so excited to see what the Lord has for me there and for you to join me in His endeavors.

Where I Work

My goal is to come alongside and serve local churches in any form that God calls me to.