Dani Rhodes
Spain | 36605
My Story
I am preparing to serve in northeast Spain, partnering with ministries on the field. My call to mission work has been in my life for many years and I am grateful to be joining the work God is doing in the hearts and lives of the people of Spain.
I became a Christian at a young age and received my call to ministry from the Lord as a teenager. Saying "yes" to God's call has been a decision I have never regretted. It eventually brought me to where I am now, preparing to live in Spain to declare the truth found only in Jesus' name to those who do not yet know Him.
I will be working alongside established church plant and service ministries in Girona, as well as summer camps at the nearby Christian camp, L'Arcada. My desire is to use Creative Ministry as an avenue for sharing the gospel.
My aim is to depart for Spain in January 2025 to begin a semester of language school before summer camps at L'Arcada begin. As I stand open-handed before God, trusting His perfect timing, I want to invite you to partner with me in the ministry work happening in Spain.
Where I Work
Spain has about a 1% Evangelical Christian rate, so there is an urgency to share the gospel and raise up disciples who will continue to carry out the Great Commission call. Spain is heavily influenced by its Catholic history, but now most people have rejected faith of any sort.
I will be serving in northeast Spain in the Catalonia region. The Lord has been working on the hearts of the people and believers are rising up to disciple more believers. The work is far from over, but there is hope coming to life in Spain.