
April Pelletier

North America | 33298

My Story

"There are several defining moments in our lives that change the trajectory of where we are headed. One of mine came on a foggy morning in Mumbai, India when my regular train ride turned into a lesson I will never forget. My gaze connected with a boy not much younger than myself. He sat in the train cart next to me. Separated by metal bars, my eyes met his, one of which was swollen. He tried to smile. But I could see how lifeless his eyes were. I got a knot in my stomach. Written all over his face was the pain that life had offered him. Still... he forced a smile. I looked away. Why did I look away!? Is it because our world has gotten so used to turning a blind eye to the hurt all around us... that it was almost instinct? I looked back into his hollow eyes and mustered up one of the most genuine smiles I could. Shortly after, he got off the train and disappeared into the crowd. The heaviness of the lostness of this world sunk in like no other time before. Since that day on the train, I have decided to give everything I have to fulfill the Great Commission and see the nations come to know our loving Savior Jesus! For life and hope to be restored! For this season of my life, God has asked me to “mobilize"" (aka: engage, equip, and connect) believers and churches to play THEIR most strategic role in fulfilling the great commission, too. For the Harvest is READY but the laborers are FEW (Luke 10:2). Will you join me in raising up more laborers?"

Where I Work

"On a daily basis, I will be strengthening relationships with churches and colleges in the Lynchburg area. I will also be leading summer trips abroad to partner with GEM missionaries in Europe to aid their ministry. My main role will be raising up and discipling individuals to use their talents and resources for the kingdom of God and ultimately spread the gospel!

For this season, my ministry will allow the gospel to be multiplied across Europe with numbers I could never imagine if I simply went vs. if I stay and send others with your partnership!"

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