Dustin & Michelle Johnson
Greece | 23792
Our Story
We served for 7 years in Germany, and for the past year have been serving just outside of Athens, Greece. We have several roles that we fill . . . we recruit and lead short-term teams for GEM Teams, we coordinate internships and short-term service opportunities for individuals for the Greek field, and we use our gifts of writing (Michelle) and photography (Dustin) as a part of GEM's Storytelling team. Thank you for your partnership with us!
Where We Work
We joined Greater Europe Mission in 2015 and love that we get to be a part of what God is doing on this continent. We are so grateful that He calls all of us to be a part of the Great Commission and that He uses you and us to partner together to reach Europe! Our desire is that every person in Europe would have the chance to hear how much God loves them and choose to respond to His offer of salvation.