
Daniel & Rebecca Jackson

Gießen, Germany | 23515

Our Story

In a way, we were global workers from the very beginning of our relationship. We met on a short term missions trip (fulfilling the cliche), and we were always open to the possibility of long term mission work, although originally we guessed that might be in Latin America or Africa. Through a long graduate school journey that brought us to Europe, we learned about the great spiritual need in the land of the Reformation, Germany, and God called us here in 2020.

Where We Work

Our work is based in central Germany north of Frankfurt (Gießen, Wetzlar). Daniel trains ministers at the Giessen School of Theology (FTH). With the local church and our partnering churches in the US, we help organize an annual, evangelistic-outreach event for teenagers in our area. Beyond that, we are engaged in a ministry of presence with the goal of bringing the good news in a highly secularized and multicultural society.