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Braden Hughes

Chicagoland | 23453

My Story

On the floor of a camp in Michigan in 2011, for the first time, I gave my life completely to the Lord. Five years later as I wore a STAFF t-shirt in the back of that same room, I watched a row of high school guys from the island of Turks and Caicos stand up and give their lives to the Lord as well. That's the moment I realized God is present among all nations. His desire is for all people to worship him. And the great commission is for me personally.In 2018, I learned that less than 2% of Europeans have a personal relationship with Jesus... For seven months of 2019, I was in France, Spain, England, Switzerland, and Germany and felt the reality of that number. Luke 10:2 says "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few." -- 98% of Europeans do not know Jesus personally. And there are not enough people sharing how they can. The verse continues, "Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." -- God wants to send more laborers out to reap.It's my heart to be the one to go. But for now, my strategic role is to "mobilize" (aka: engage, equip, and connect) believers and churches to play THEIR most strategic role in fulfilling the great commission, too. Romans 10:13-15

Where I Work

Day to day, I work to develop/strengthen the relationships GEM has with churches and colleges in the Chicagoland area. I also recruit and mentor individuals to faithfully use the gifts/talents/resources God's given them to reach Europe and beyond. My role also includes training university mobilizers on campuses in the region and occasionally leading short-term teams to Europe.

This task has the significant ability to directly multiply the number of people who hear the gospel all across Europe for decades to come.

Will you partner with me in this work?