![Raymond&kathrynhain 0 HB=0,4,-5 FN=2 FB=123 outdr=1 G=1.0 exp=8.620689 ret=0 FM2 CR0 Prmid2 mxDrkA0.43 mxBrtA1.85 mxPkNSat1.16 dr9.63 br35.72 wdr4.36 wbr13.73 sbr0.00 ldr10.05 lp49.0 [f2] 111111111bfalic 00000](https://gemission.org/app/uploads/2023/10/R-K-wheat-field.webp)
Raymond and Kathryn Hain
Italy | 20505
Our Story
In 2023, after being the farm manager at The Grain Place organic farm, we resigned to start the process to return to the mission field to work with refugees pouring into Europe. We found GEM and began their process of on-bording.
We were well into the process of being accepted by GEM when we received a call from our pastor in Jerusalem, Israel, where we ministered for 17 years. He asked us to return and pastor there. We agreed to pray about it.
We went to church the following Sunday seeking the Lord's will, "Jerusalem or Rome, Lord? Jerusalem or Rome?" Our Lincoln pastor preached on Acts 23:11. Paul is in prison, "...the Lord stood by him and said, 'Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.'"
Once again, the Lord has shown us a clear path forward, this time in Rome.
Where We Work
We are expecting to use our Arabic to work with the refugees in Rome, Italy as well as reaching out to Italians who seem to be more open to the Gospel than traditionally. We also expect to support our team.