
Fran and Jessica Gregory

Germany | 20040

Our Story

In Spring of 2013, around the time of my daughters baptism, Jessica and I felt an unmistakable pull to Cologne as I became more aware of church wide efforts to partner with GEM who currently has a presence and a plan to share the God’s story there. When I received that calling, I knew that Jessica and I had a choice to make. We could be like Jonah who ran away from his calling and ended up in the belly of a big fish... Or... We could be like Mary and simply say “Yes”. We chose to answer the call and share Christ’s love with all that God puts in our path.

Where We Work

Jessica and I have each been blessed with our own set of talents that God is calling us to share with the people of Cologne. Jessica brings to Cologne her wonderful talent of Figure Skating & the simple fact that she is a Middle School Age child. Today, there is no active connection with the figure skating community in the area surrounding the Cologne region. Jessica hopes to bridge that gap for the GEM team located in the city by helping to nurture connections. She also hopes to help build relationships through attendance in the school system. For me, the Lord has placed a passion on my heart for ministering to Children, Women and youth (although anyone God puts in our path is fair game!). We are planning to partner with local churches to aid them in building Children's ministry, Women & family programs. I have also received a TESOL certification. In addition, we will be working with the existing GEM team already in place to reach the lost in Cologne.

We pray that, with the Lord willing, the people will see the love of Jesus through the gifts and talents he has called both Jessica and I to share with the people of Cologne. We hope that through our time there, we will have been a true reflection of Jesus in all our comings and goings. That we'll leave in our wake disciples that will continue to fight the good fight once we return home. We will have been successful if we have enabled the people of Cologne to send out their own workers to generate disciples in the surrounding cities. I hope to see churches in Cologne filled with followers that are on fire with the truth of Salvation. And that the followers are fearless in their passion for creating disciples who create disciples.