
Mark & Andrea Davis

Spain | 11150

Our Story

God captured both of our hearts as young children and led us into full-time ministry, specifically missions, at young ages. We met while studying for ministry at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Our friendship grew as coworkers while working for a major coffee chain. With our passion to share the redeeming love and hope that is found only in Jesus Christ and desire to disciple new believers toward Christlikeness, God brought us together as a couple and ministry team. We have two children, Eliana & Theo, who open new doors of opportunity to engage and interact with our local community. We believe that ministry happens every day of the week because ministry should be an overflow of our lives that have been changed by Jesus Christ. Our focus is to be intentional about reaching people with the Gospel through all areas of life, and walking alongside them in discipleship. We like to help people understand how all Scripture points towards Christ and how they can read and understand it for themselves.

Where We Work

Building Christ's Kingdom in Girona, Spain.

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