
Jacob Coon

Germany | 10360

My Story

I was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio where I grew up in a family that encouraged me to constantly strive for a relationship with Christ. For the first 22 years of my life I lived a life of relative ease. In September of 2003 that all changed. My father passed away and for the first time my faith was tested. In 2007 I weighed over 400 lbs. and I started to have some major health issues which resulted in two near-death experiences within four months. In April they found that I had a blood clot which was impeding the blood flow to my small intestine. The lack of blood flow resulted in the doctor removing two feet of my small intestine. From that moment on my health improved.Despite the health issues, during those four months I was filled with a peace that I had never had before. I knew that there was a purpose to all of the pain. I then realized that I am nothing without God and I needed to rely on Him for everything and all that was happening to me was planned to prosper me not to harm me (Jeremiah 29:11). In August of 2009 my friend and co-Bible study leader asked me if I could look up some short-term missions opportunities for our Bible study. Mid-way through looking up short-term opportunities I got bored and decided to look up long-term positions I stumbled on an instructional designer position with Greater Europe Mission that was located in Germany. This intrigued me because I studied German in high school and my Master’s degree prepared me to be an instructional designer. God began to show me all of the things He had put in my life to prepare me to go to Germany and be a missionary with Greater Europe Mission and as of April of 2023 I will have lived here for 10 years.

Where I Work

I work in Kandern, Germany which is located in the Black Forest area of Germany close to France and Switzerland. In addition to creating and facilitating training, I am also involved in my local church and disc golf club!

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