
Andy and Kathleen Clark

Kandern, Germany | 10123

Our Story

After many years of sensing a call toward cross-cultural ministry, we followed the Lord's leading in summer 2019 to serve in Berlin, Germany. Living and serving in Germany has been a great joy, and we have been so blessed to join in God's work in the continent of Europe.

Where We Work

In January 2024, we transitioned to join GEM and a team located in southern Germany called GEM Teams. Through our work with GEM Teams, we lead initiatives aimed at growing local ministries by organizing and leading short-term mission teams. We have many opportunities to come alongside churches and ministries working to see the gospel go forth throughout Europe, and have the joy of shepherding individuals serving on these teams as they serve the Lord in a cross-cultural setting and potentially discern the Lord's call on their life to overseas ministry. It is a privilege to be a light for Christ amidst a continent where so few are following him!

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