
Jonathan and Deborah Bourbeau


Our Story

You might be surprised to find out how many Christian workers in Europe are giving sacrificially, but out of emptiness. With lives in disrepair and on the edge of burning out, they need people to come alongside them for encouragement and accountability. They need spaces to recoup, reorientate, and experience the Lord afresh, receiving what He so desires to pour out. Our passion is to see that these needs are met and that these Christian workers flourish in their walk with God, in their personal and family lives, and in their ministry to others.

We have been serving in Europe and living in Latvia since 1993. Over the years, we have served in an array of ministries: church planting, discipleship, Christian student work, small group leadership development, marriage retreats, and others. However, we’ve recently come to appreciate our giftings leading us down a more specific path - coming alongside Christian leaders to see them flourish.

We have the privilege of encouraging these workers through coaching, mentoring, spiritual life retreats, and prayer counseling. It is our hope and great desire that we would be able to help these leaders serve effectively and avoid the risk of burnout or even the possibility of prematurely leaving their ministries.

We have the privilege of coming alongside and supporting individuals who serve in various roles on the frontlines of ministry: church planters, pastors, missionaries, and other lay leaders, each with their own set of unique, and at times common, experiences, challenges, and sacrifices. For global workers, physical distance from family and friends is not easy, especially when coupled with the many other challenges, sacrifices, and attacks of the enemy.

Almost every week we hear the testimonies of impacted Christian workers we have had the pleasure of serving. With God’s involvement, they have become strengthened and encouraged, gaining a sense of clarity of His presence, and discovering direction for their lives. These sentiments come from leaders of large and small Christian organizations in Europe, pastors both young and old, missionaries, and leaders of mission organizations.

It’s an amazing blessing to be a part of something that makes such a difference in the lives of God’s people and gives great meaning and purpose to our passions and giftings as we meet this vital need! Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this incredible ministry? And thank you to those who are already praying and generously giving of your finances. It’s an honour to have you with us!

Where We Work

The population of Latvia is a little under 2 million people with almost half of the population living in the capital city of Riga.

Latvia lost its independence in 1940 and was incorporated into the Soviet Union. Stalin liquidated a fifth of the population, deported many more and forcibly settled Russians in their place. The population of ethnic Latvians is now approximately 62%.

The main religion is Christianity with Catholics and Lutherans sharing the majority. Close to 50% of the population are non religious. Recently there has been a strong resurgence of Latvian paganism.