Dave and Cindy Bintz
Northeast Spain | 04413
Our Story
We are serving at a Christian Camp in Northeast Spain called L'Arcada. The camp is dedicated to proclaiming the love of Jesus Christ to kids, youth, and families in a very dark country...this includes serving, training, sharing, encouraging, exhorting, and many other activities that can be carried out in the camp setting. We are attempting to enhance the sports area of the camp...bringing in Spanish high school athletes (currently we offer Basketball, Flag Football, Mountain Biking, Tackle Football, Volleyball, & Cheerleading) to hear the Gospel. We recruit American athletes and coaches to help us accomplish this mission...this helps attract the Spanish athletes.
Where We Work
Spain is a country rich in culture and history, but spiritually bankrupt. Today, only a small number are true Roman Catholics. Immigration has resulted in the resurgence of the presence of Islam, with Catalunya (the area where the camp is located) being home to a majority of Muslim immigrants. Spain continues to be one of the least evangelized countries in the world with only .07% of the people of Spain having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.