Theological and Church Planting Education (Stephen and Susan Beck)
Canada | 02990
Where We Work
Is there any remaining hope in a country that once had a wide-spread revival in the 16th century but has since deteriorated to having a bleak, 2% of believers?
The Holy Spirit is at work in Germany! Several Evangelical schools, including the Giessen School of Theology, where we previously taught practical theology, are training hundreds of Germans for a life in missions and church ministry. In fact, a small awakening within Evangelical Churches, owing to more than a million refugees entering Germany between 2012-2016, has also transpired. Many of these refugees have had life-changing encounters with the living Christ, and desire to spread the Gospel with both fellow refugees and German locals who have no understanding of the Truth.
We’ve had the joy of witnessing the baptisms of numerous people who have converted to faith in Jesus. Given that these people could potentially face opposition, persecution, or even death from leaving their former religious backgrounds in favour of following Jesus… priceless!
Our current goal is to further the Kingdom’s advancement by educating these refugees, who have little to no formal education, for full-time church ministry.
In preparation for the Gospel ministry, we both attended Philadelphia College of Bible, now Cairn University, and Stephen later received his M.Div. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School as well as his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology. After his first church placement, Stephen began to sense a call into church planting, which eventually led to us planting and pastoring a few churches in North America before moving to Germany.
While we served in Germany, we hosted mentoring groups in our home to further train students for planting new churches across Germany. In 2011, we planted a multicultural church, which experienced a quiet awakening when the refugee wave occurred, resulting in mass conversions and baptisms of Muslim refugees. Within six years, the church multiplied into additional congregations offering multiple languages, enabling the many newcomers to be effectively ministered to.
In 2020, we began a transition phase. Now serving in Canada, our focus has shifted to the development of MosaiX multiply (now a non-profit in the USA), which includes the MosaiX Academy, a multi-language online platform teaching laypeople how to plant intercultural church communities around the world. The goal of these courses is to help Christians start Gospel communities on a mission of multiplication—Learning-While-Doing. Our emphasis is on motivating, training, and coaching people all over the world through the MosaiX Academy. In addition, we’re working with a local congregation to expand its mission of multiplying and increase its reach into diverse populations in the area.
God has worked, and continues to work, in amazing ways. We have watched stories unfold like something out of the book of Acts, with refugees recounting dreams in which Jesus appeared to them and said “Follow me”; these individuals have come to congregations seeking answers and have found new life in Christ! We are deeply indebted to the many people who have helped make this ministry possible. It is a privilege to serve as front-line workers in the expansion of God’s Kingdom, while recognizing that the front-line work cannot happen without a team standing with those on the front lines.
If this important work interests you, we welcome you to partner with our ministry! Beyond our personal support, we would also invite you to support the important work of translating materials for MosaiXmultiply. Simply click on the ‘Give’ tab at the top of your screen, and type “MosaiXmultiply #52024" in the search bar. Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel!