Why We Pray at 10:02

May 25, 2022

It’s mid-morning and somewhere nearby a cell phone alarm goes off. “What’s that?” 

“It’s my reminder to pray at 10:02.”

Why We Pray at 10:02

“What? Why?”  

I’m glad you asked! Within Greater Europe Mission, we believe God invites us into His work of spreading the Gospel across Europe. There is so much to do and so few to do it. At 10:02 each morning, we reflect on the prayer Jesus taught His earliest followers in Luke 10:2: 

“And he said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’” 

Receiving its name from this verse, the Ten2 Project is an initiative for young adults to immerse themselves in the mission of Europe. This summer, 84 participants will come together at GEM’s Camp des Cimes in the French Alps for a week of training before being sent out in small groups to serve in 17 different cities around Europe.

In these cities, the Ten2 participants will partner with local ministries to meet community needs. Some will serve in churches or schools, while others may serve in cafés, camps or outreach programs. Exposed to different cultures and languages, these teams will all have unique experiences,  before coming back together for a week of debriefing and sharing. 

This incredible summer experience transforms the lives of those involved. Aiming to leave behind hosts who feel aided and encouraged at the end of the summer, these participants will return to their homes and schools transformed by the knowledge and understanding they’ve gained. Through it all, God is there. He provides along the way and works through students who are obedient and willing to step out in faith. 

“We can’t help but praise God for all He has done and all He continues to do through the Ten2ers and those still on the ground,” says Regional Mobilizer and Ten2 leader, Nicole Clark, who loves seeing how God works through this program. 

Nathan Mell, also a Ten2 leader and Regional Mobilizer, passionately describes Ten2 as a catalyst used by God to elevate laborers. “Together, with the Lord’s help, we can raise up the next generation of missionaries, worship leaders, and disciple-makers—all for His kingdom and glory.” 

Would you join us in praying for this year’s team as they prepare to launch?  

Why We Pray at 10:02; Ten2

Please pray for:  

  • The 84 participants leaving the familiar to enter the unknown in active submission to God’s call on their lives for this season.  
  • The Ten2 Leaders who work so hard to plan and create this opportunity.  
  • The hosts in various countries who have prayed for more workers and eagerly await their participants.  
  • The local people who will be impacted. That people feel loved, the Gospel is shared, and God is glorified through Ten2 Project 2022. 

 To learn more about the Ten2 Project, visit ten2project.org and follow @Ten2project on Instagram.

About the author: Katey Leavelle is a storyteller with Greater Europe Mission serving across Europe.

Photos by: 2019 Ten2 Project storyteller Ellie Price