GEM’s Response to the Ukraine Crisis

March 4, 2022

GEM’s Response to the Ukraine Crisis

With the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and over a million people already seeking asylum, the needs in Europe are immediate and great. Lines at the borders of Ukraine and neighboring countries stretch for miles as Ukrainians flee seeking safety from the war. In particular, women and children are most vulnerable while they travel, as most men stay behind to fight.  

While GEM condemns the actions of the Russian government and we know God is grieved by the loss of lives on both sides, we also believe opportunity comes out of crisis. 

Although we have no GEM workers in Ukraine, we do have many trusted ministry partners. GEM workers in neighboring countries are already partnering with local ministries to meet short-term needs for relief and support. As the first few months in crisis are critical for spiritual openness, GEM is also identifying plans for gospel advancement and discipleship multiplication.  

How can you help? 

Funding to meet physical needs such as food, water, shelter and personal items is essential. On top of this, we know the greatest need for Ukrainians is to meet Jesus. As we continue to find ways to live and share the gospel among the displaced people, finances are crucial to support our workers and ministry partners in areas such as Romania, Republic of Moldova, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and beyond. 

Ultimately, the call for Christians is to raise our cries in prayer for God to bring shalom, vindicate the oppressed, and draw people to Himself.  

For ways to pray, partner in giving, or to join our Friday prayer call for Ukraine, click here.