Four Ways to Support a Missionary Besides Giving Money
May 31, 2023

Sending and supporting global workers is the call of every Christian—regardless of how wealthy you are. Yet often, if we’re in a season of life where we cannot financially give to missions, it’s easy to think there’s nothing else we can do to support missionaries.
How can we support global workers outside of giving money?
1. Read their newsletters and respond.
This may seem simple, but the impact on this can be profound. A number of years ago, a friend told me about an experience he had when he replied to a missionary’s update for the first time. The missionary emailed him back and said, “Thank you so much for your email. Your response to my newsletter is the first reply I’ve gotten in five years.”
It’s easy to assume that because the email goes out to hundreds of people, someone else will respond, but sometimes, every reader has that thought. Being intentional to read newsletters and respond with a word of encouragement, a prayer for the worker, or even a prayer request of your own, are great ways to help missionaries be reminded they are not alone.
I can think of specific individuals who have done this well during the first few years of my wife and I being on the field. One of them is not even on our financial support team. But he faithfully replies to our updates, reminding me he is praying for us, and sharing his own updates with me have been greatly encouraging.
2. Be a liaison for a missionary for your church or small group.
If your church doesn’t have a designated person to check in regularly with the missionaries you support, volunteer to do this for one or two of the global workers. Reach out to see how the church can pray for them, what their current needs are, and how you can support them.
Or, if your church already has something like this, take it upon yourself to adopt a missionary for your family or for your small group. Make it a goal to send them Christmas cards, snail mail, gift packages, or even just words of encouragement.

3. Offer to assist them with the skills you have.
You may not be called to move cross-culturally or be in full-time ministry, but each person has abilities that can be of service to those who are. Do you have skills in administration, finances, graphic design, or general how-to’s of life?
Many global workers within Greater Europe Mission have over 50 individuals or churches who support them monthly. The task of maintaining connection to each partner can often overwhelm missionaries and sometimes distract them from the work they are doing. By offering to manage their budget, assist them in filing taxes, or help them organize their correspondence with partners you can help missionaries stay focused on the work God has called them to—making disciples in Europe.
For others, assisting in the design and distribution of their newsletter, creating prayer cards, or mailing ministry updates is a great way to bless workers and free up their time.
Many missionaries struggle to stay on top of sharing updates with their supporters. Offer to help run their ministry update social media or see if your assistance could be beneficial in keeping an online presence for their partners.

4. Stay connected and reach out for prayer requests.
Most missionaries cycle through praying for and reaching out to their ministry partners. Return the favour by initiating a conversation with them and sharing how they can pray for you.
If you are on their support team, they want more than just your money—they want to stay connected and know how God is moving in your life and how they can support you.
Most people outside of America use WhatsApp to text as it’s best for international communication. If you don’t have the application, download it and reach out to stay connected. Ask how you can pray for them and share ways they can pray for you.
What other ways have you found to connect with and support missionaries outside of giving?
Regardless of your ability to financial support, know there are ways to support and sustain global workers. For those who are able, to give financially, you can find missionaries to support by clicking here. You can also give to an anonymous GEM accountant that supports missionaries who are struggling financially by clicking here.
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About the author: Grant Klinefelter is a storyteller with Greater Europe Mission and serves in Birmingham, England.