Join us for a Virtual Day of Prayer for Europe
September 29, 2023
The GEM Day of Prayer is fast approaching!
Twice a year, GEM hosts a 24-hour online prayer vigil for our ministry and prayer partners. Last year’s GEM-wide Day of Prayer gathered participants from more than 30 countries across the globe to pray for God’s intervention and movement in Europe.
On Monday, the 2nd of October (10/2 for our North American friends), we will come together once again to Fast, Listen, and Intercede over all God is doing across Europe. This year, we will examine the words of 2 Chronicles 7:14: “…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Why does GEM pray on 10/2?
Since 2008, GEM missionaries and ministry partners have set alarms for 10:02 every day. In fact, it’s not uncommon to hear the alarms ring out during meetings or conferences where GEM workers are gathered. Why? We’re committed to asking God for “more workers for the harvest”. We eagerly anticipate those God is calling!

This year, we’re inviting you to join us in three ways:
God invites us to fast, not to earn His favour but to open ourselves to the work of His Spirit. We’d like to encourage everyone to consider fasting from food, phones, entertainment, or something else for this day of prayer.
Listen to God and what He might be drawing your attention to through your body, your longings, or His Word. Pay attention to the people around you as you go about your day. Hear one another as you gather to pray. Are there themes that come up as you interact and pray together?
And we invite you to intercede. What prayers form as you listen? What needs stand out as you hear from God and one another? Name the longings that stir in you as you pay attention to the people in your home, on your street, or in your Christian community?
How does the virtual day of prayer work?
If you’ve never joined us for a virtual day of prayer before, have no fear! On Monday, the 2nd of October, simply visit There you’ll find a schedule, prayer guide, and a zoom link to join whenever you are able, wherever you are in the world.
Will you pray with us for the Lord to bring revival to this continent and raise up a generation of workers to reach it with the love of Jesus?
May God work in and through us as we pray to bring greater forgiveness and healing to the lands where we live and serve.
For more information and to invite ministry partners, visit the link below.
Resources for GEM’s Virtual Day of Prayer:
Prayer Walking: Rediscovering the Power of Prayer
Ongoing Pray for Europe Livestreams
About the author:
Karen Huber is a storyteller with Greater Europe Mission. Karen and her family served in Ireland for 14 years before relocating to the US to train and send new missionaries.