Building Christian Community in Croatia
February 3, 2023
The Balkan peninsula has long endured political struggles, economic disparity, and ethnic tribalism, leading to multiple wars. Despite its beautiful landscapes, the region remains on rocky ground, both politically and spiritually. Though there are numerous nominal Christians in the Catholic nation of Croatia, practicing believers are few and far between, with many feeling isolated like Elijah wondering, “Lord, am I the only one?”

Thankfully the Lord has been at work through GEM workers like the Lehns and Coneys, connecting believers across former divides. One such way was a conference of churches which one pastor described as “the largest gathering of believers in this region in 2000 years.” Not only did this conference encourage local believers in Croatia and Bosnia Hercegovina, but it spurred discipleship movements and collaboration. Another pastor shared he has seen congregants shifting from an inward to an outward focus.
The Same Heart
Christian communities are modelling the power of the gospel to transcend culturally imposed rifts. One conference attendee testified how encouraged he was “to see people worshipping the same God with the same heart.” Just like Elijah, God has shown them they are not as alone as they once thought.
GEM worker John Lehn rejoiced, “It has been a privilege for GEM to partner with many of these local believers who have been faithfully tilling up the fallow ground and planting seeds of the gospel over the years.”
Join us in praying for many Croatians and Bosnians to receive the gospel, obey it, and stand firm in their faith. Pray for growing unity amidst diversity. Pray for more faithful servants to join in preparing, planting, and plowing the mission field.
Is God calling you to partner in the movement to reach Croatia? Click here to inquire more.
Discover more about the amazing conferences God is using to unite believers in the region: Oct. 15, 2022 Spiritual renewal conf. in Čapljina for evangelical Christians in DU county and Neretva.
About the author and filmmakers: Zachary McKay is a storyteller with Greater Europe Mission and serves in Frankfurt, Germany. Kevin Flierl is a storyteller with Greater Europe Mission and serves as an evangelist and disciple-maker in Germany and Switzerland.