Why Wales?

Nestled in the picturesque coastal valleys in the Northwest of Wales lie a series of villages that in ways time has forgotten and the world has passed by. The stones of the buildings and fences and even the very air seems to be filled with a sense of history and the Old World. Those who live here are trying to preserve their cultural heritage and customs in the face of an ever more modernized and globalized world.

To reach these folks requires becoming one of them. That is why ministry here requires learning the Welsh language, living life with them, and embracing the rhythms and values of this hidden culture. In a very real sense, ministry here embodies the spirit of Jesus leaving the many to pursue the one.

If you feel drawn to the Celtic and Gaelic spiritual history and rhythms, this opportunity will immerse you into that world through both the training you will receive and the ministry that you will participate in.


Meet the Hosts


Trey and Amelia McCain

Trey and Amelia joined Greater Europe Mission and Linguæ Christi in 2015 and moved to Wales a year later. Since then, their family has grown to include three young children, a boy and twin girls. They live in a rural valley that has experienced the same ill-effects of post-industrialism and under-investment that have been felt across much of the country.

Their small community of faith values time spent around the table with friends and neighbors, service in the community, and telling good stories about Jesus. They are drawn outside of church and chapel walls to be prayerful and hospitable ambassadors of God’s kingdom.

Interested in learning more?