Bob and Kathie Schwerdt
Serving Christ, serving missionaries, discipling new believers
Account# 39920
Our Story
We have been with Greater Europe Mission since the early 1990s, serving first in the US office, but in more recent years we've acknowledged God's call to come alongside our colleagues to provide pastoral care. We have two children living with their families in the American Mid-West, always near to our hearts.
Where We Work
We are engaged in a two-pronged ministry. We are based in the UK and provide pastoral care to GEM missionaries across the UK and into several countries of western Europe as the Lord provides opportunity. Our aim is to see missionaries flourishing spiritually, emotionally and relationally in their life with Christ, so that His life can flow through them to many others! We also work locally with a number of young believers, walking with them as new disciples of Jesus, learning to live life with Him.