Why Berlin?

Berlin is one of the most influential cities in all of Europe - politically, economically, and culturally. And yet, the population of people there who claim to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ hovers just above 1% in a city of 3.8 million.

Former East Germany, as a whole, with Berlin at its hub, is considered to be one of the most atheistic places in the world, making it one of the most strategic, yet unreached, regions. The scars of past wars and division are still evident in this city, full of people who need to know the hope available to them, through the love of God.


Meet the Hosts

L to R: Rachael and Jon Hastings, Luke Baublet (FC Leader), Justin and Joanne Bessert

Meet the Berlin Focus City Core Team

The Berlin Focus City Team is spread out across the city in the districts of Wedding, Prenzlauer Berg, and Lichtenberg. They are involved in a wide variety of individual ministries from the arts to church planting, outreach to Russian-speakers, and much more. The Focus City Team hopes to see the gospel move through the city of Berlin through discipleship and church multiplication accomplished by prayer, collaboration, sharing of resources, training, experimentation, and expansion.

Berlin Core Team L to R: Rachael and Jon Hastings, Luke Baublet (FC Leader), Justin and Joanne Bessert

Is Berlin right for you?

  • Work alongside the Berlin Focus City Team
  • Engage with a variety of churches and church styles
  • Be trained in disciple multiplication practices
  • Interact with the visual and performing arts communities
  • Minister to refugees and immigrants
  • Learn German to a B2 Level

Interested in serving in Berlin?