
David and Melissa Curtis

France | 10950

Our Story

Melissa grew up in Denver, Colorado, and is the first of seven kids. She loves working with kids, especially if she gets to use her passion for puppet ministry. She was a Pre-K teacher, but these days she is a stay at home mom with our twins, John and Elizabeth. She loves to create masterpieces out of yarn with her gift for crocheting. David grew up in Peoria, Illinois, but has called Colorado home for most of his adult life. “I love art and spending time in the outdoors, especially the mountains”. He is a video producer that specializes in camera work and editing. David has led art workshops at Camp des Cimes since 2006 and Melissa followed in 2009. John and Elizabeth are twins and love their time with each other. They love to paint, draw, play outside. They are in the process of building their Financial Partnership team, so that they can get to the field as quickly as possible. They are excited!

Where We Work

They are assigned to work at the Camp of the Peaks (Camp des Cimes) in Le Bourg D'Oisans, France. This camp is "A haven in France for God to save the lost and strengthen the found."

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