Three Disciplemaking Problems With Europe

Why Europe?

The vast majority of Europeans will never hear the message of the Good News of Christ. In fact, most people who live in Europe will never even meet a follower of Jesus. The Joshua Project now reports that post-Christian Europe hosts the fewest Christ followers and is the most unreached continent on the planet.

Many Europeans will go their whole lives never interacting with a follower of Jesus.

Relational Disciplemaking

At Greater Europe Mission, we believe that discipling relationships are the key to reaching Europe.

Our goal is not to convince people to make one decision for Christ. but to walk alongside them as they learn to choose Him every day.

Will you help us send more disciplemakers to the mission fields of Europe?

Why Europe?

Most European countries have a population where less than 3% claim a relationship with Jesus. Many Europeans can go their entire lives never interacting with a Believer of Jesus.
Europe is the intersection of world cultures. Now, the ongoing refugee crisis has brought the nations to the shores of Europe, making it more critical for world revival than ever before.
The economic, political, and immigration turmoil of the last decade have laid the foundation for Europeans to be ready to meet Jesus and His followers.