Kingsley Phil

Phil and Cheryl Kingsley

Serving with other to multiply intentional disciples of Jesus and activate disciple making churches.

Republic of Ireland

Account# 24700

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Our Story

Our Story Cheryl and I both learned to trust Jesus as children and met each other in high school in So. California. We both graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois (1974), and from Dallas Theological Seminary (in '79 'ThM & MABS). In the summer of 1975 we travelled to Ireland as part of a Greater Europe Mission "Eurocorp" summer team. God used that summer to give us a heart for the people of Ireland and plant the seeds of a desire to return to serve the cause of Christ with GEM in Europe. After finishing seminary we retuned to California were we served in two local churches (and started our family) before joining Greater Europe Mission and the GEM Ireland team. We've served as church planters and trainers with Greater Europe Mission in Ireland since 1982. We now have two adult sons (Matt & Michael), two daughter-in-laws (Hailey & Sarah) and five grandkids!

Where We Work

We're based in the Republic of Ireland (Dublin) where we connect with Irish and "New European" immigrant populations. Phil is an adjunct (part time) lecturer at the Irish Bible Institute in Dublin. Together we discover, train, activate and coach disciple multiplication leaders and initiatives in Ireland and across Europe. Our passion is to help ignite disciple multiplication movements for all the nations and peoples of Europe and beyond.