Deb Cappella

Deb Cappella

Serving as a Prayer Mobilizer

Frankfurt, Germany

Account# 09500

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My Story

God gave me the opportunity as a child to live in Norway several times for short durations and to travel throughout Europe. When I graduated from college, God led me to serve with GEM Eurocorps in Belgium for a summer which helped me realize that missionaries need prayer.As my four sons grew up, I prayed with other Moms most weeks while school was in session for our children, their teachers, and the staff at their schools through Moms in Prayer. After Larry went Home to be with our Savior (April 2012), God placed a desire in me to be involved in prayer as much as possible in my local church.God opened the doors for me to volunteer as a Prayer Strategy Coordinator for GEM (Oct 2014). After about 9 months, God stirred my heart to be a full-time Prayer Mobilizer and after a season of developing ministry partners I started in January 2017.Over the last 2 years, God has increased my burden for Europe. In the spring of 2018, GEM announced that they were going to set up a global office in Frankfurt and my heart did a flip-flop and I thought “I want to be there”. I decided to make sure that this was something that God wanted me to do. He confirmed it through Scripture, circumstances, and people.

Where I Work

God has opened the doors for me to serve in Frankfurt, Germany. Some of the things I anticipate doing are:

* working with and discipling the summer ten2 project interns and leading prayer walks in Frankfurt
* facilitating prayer in the prayer room at a penthouse apartment in Frankfurt
* help develop a prayer strategy for Focus Cities (especially Frankfurt)
* networking with prayer leaders
* discipling neighbors and friends

Thank you for joining me on this journey by praying and/or supporting me financially!
