Erin Leffew

Erin Leffew

Serving in the UK


Account# 25965

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My Story

I'm from Salisbury, Maryland, and I have always felt a deep love and burden for England and the people. A couple of years ago, God called me to finally take the love he'd placed in me and use it for his Kingdom. While I have a Master's in English, I have spent the most of the last decade working with domestic violence and sexual assault survivors and as a care coordinator for youth and their families.

Where I Work

England used to be a spiritual lighthouse in the world. Revivals, movements, and missionaries flowed from this nation. However, less than 2% of England now claims to be evangelical Christians. The churches stand as museums rather than places of worship.

Loneliness is such an issue that the government and nonprofits are seeking to combat it. There is now the Campaign to End Loneliness, which asks questions such as “Have we forgotten how to make friends?” and “Why don’t we talk anymore?”.

The Centre for Social Justice calls the UK the “addiction capital of Europe” because the level of addiction to substances is so staggeringly high.

This is a nation in desperate need of a relationship with Jesus.

I will be working for a church on the Northeast coast. While the specific city and church is still being determined, I feel a particular love and burden for the marginalized people (the homeless, addicts, abused, mentally ill) in this area who are often forgotten and failed by the systems that are supposed to care for them.

Nonjudgmental hospitality is also incredibly important to me. I will use these God-given loves to build relationships with the people God places around me in my community to minister to and share the love of Jesus with them.