Our values reflect
our heart and soul
We live and stand by our values.
GEM workers minister to others out of their own transformation
We want to see God’s Kingdom expanded through our workers and partners. We know we can best minister to others out of our ongoing and holistic transformation by the Lord. As believers, we are called to represent and demonstrate the values and practices of God’s Kingdom in whatever context we find ourselves.
We are disciples who make disciples. We desire to be used by the Lord to expand His Kingdom in Europe. We feel an urgency to see the people of Europe meet Jesus and grow in their personal relationship with Him. We expect all of our workers to exhibit diligence, passion, and excellence in their work, living as a worthy example of a gratefully redeemed life.
GEM workers are passionate about seeing the lost saved and disciples multiplied
GEM workers strive to be humble in attitude and actions
Our disposition in GEM is to serve the Body of Christ. We will respect and treat others as we would want to be treated. Humility also characterizes how we relate cross-culturally, taking the initiative to cross cultural bridges to partners, team members, and those we want to reach.
GEM views leadership as equal parts Leading, Developing, and Caring for others. We strive to lead people to fulfil our mission and vision and reach their maximum individual God-given potential. Every member of our organization has an identifiable leader to whom they are accountable. These leaders are deeply committed to seeing their people thrive as individuals, families, and GEM workers.
GEM leaders intentionally lead, develop, and care for their teammates
GEM is a community committed to collaborating with one another, other organizations, and with local believers and churches for the kingdom
We care for one another and hold one another to high standards. We believe in team, understanding that teams look different in different places. We eagerly partner with other like-minded individuals and organizations in our fields of service and in our sending countries. Unity does not equal uniformity. We mobilize workers from multiple aspects of Christ’s Church. We encourage innovation, adaptability, and creativity in myriad ways as we accomplish our mission and vision.
God is the great provider. GEM will transparently manage the time, finances, relationships, and responsibilities entrusted to us and our workers. Part of that stewardship is helping our people to discover and maximize their unique contribution to the Kingdom. We ask hard questions and encourage one another to accountability and transparency.
GEM honours God's generosity in the people and resources He provides